Mock Computer-based Training Storyboards
The following writing sample is taken from a project created for the class Instructional Design I, from the Instructional Psychology and Technology department at the University of Oklahoma. All other technical writing that I have done are property of the United States Army or Federal Aviation Administration, so I am not permitted to share any of my professional work.
The sample below is a series of mock storyboards outlining a computer-based training (CBT) program that would teach users how to perform testing of educational software for compliance with the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) 2004 3rd Edition. Also included are mockups of the proposed CBT program, flowcharts created in Microsoft Visio detailing the software’s functionality, and a mock checklist that learners would use for training purposes.
Thank you.
Learner Instructions & Checklist
To help learners understand how they need to begin and proceed with the instruction, an introductory document with instructions and a “Before You Start” checklist is provided in Appendix D.
The content will be contained in a Graphic User Interface (GUI) that will feature text on the left and media on the right, as shown in Figure 1 below. Back and next buttons on the bottom right will control navigation through each Lesson. Buttons on the bottom right will mute the narration, bring up the closed caption of the audio script, pause/play the narration, or restart the narration.
Figure 1 - GUI Mockup
Lesson 4: Manifest Validation
Section 1: Introduction
Frame 4-1: Introduction
Script: Have you seen a project returned after Government Acceptance Review (GAR) with a note saying things like “Not all resources listed in manifest”? If a sharable content object (SCO) manifest that is not properly validated is submitted to the Government, it will be rejected during GAR. Having to redo SCORM testing can be inconvenient at best, depending on what our workload is at a given time. In this lesson, you will validate the manifest of the SCO that you have prepared for testing in the previous lessons.
Screen Text:
Media: Image of rejected SCO’s GAR evaluation.
Frame 4-2: What is the Manifest?
Script: Think of the manifest file as a ship’s manifest, with a list of all the passengers and crew inside the vessel. In a SCO, the imsmanifest.xml file, serves that purpose. It is used by the SCO to describe the organization of the SCO’s files and their location. The manifest must accurately reflect this organization without omitting any files or listing files that aren’t present, or it will cause errors in the SCO. In order to test the manifest’s accuracy, we will use the Resource Validator program, which you installed earlier.
Screen Text:
Describes organization of SCO files & their location
Must accurately reflect the organization
Inaccurate listing of files will cause errors
Test using Resource Validator
Media: Image of unpackaged SCO folder, highlighting the imsmanifest.xml file.
Section 2: Validating the Manifest
Frame 4-3: Using the Resource Validator
Script: To test the manifest, you will open the Resource Validator, and select the manifest in the unpackaged SCO that you created in the previous lesson. Using the “Verify” buttons, the program will first make sure that all files listed in the manifest are present in the proper locations in the SCO, then will verify that no files are in the SCO that aren’t listed in the manifest. Next, you will verify the number of files shown by the Resource Validator matches the number of files in the packaged SCO. Last, once you have confirmed the manifest is conformant, you will copy the testing logs to the SCO’s SCORM testing documentation folder.
Screen Text:
Media: Brief screencast of procedure, either highlights or with speed increased.
Frame 4-4: Step 1 – Select the Manifest
Script: To begin the manifest validation, navigate to the folder on your desktop housing the testing tools. Once you’ve accessed the Resource Validator folder, click the .exe file to launch the program. Keep this folder open, you will need it at the end of the procedure. Once there, click the “Select a Manifest File to scan” button in the upper left hand corner of the program. In the Windows browser that pops up, navigate to the unpackaged SCO, select imsmanifest.xml, and click “Open.”
Screen Text:
Launch the “Resource Validator.exe” file.
Click Select a Manifest File to scan.
In the window, navigate to the unpackaged SCO
Select the “imsmanifext.xml” file.
Click Open.
Media: A screencast of this part of the procedure, timed to the audio.
Frame 4-5: Step 2 – Verify Manifest File Information
Script: Now that you’ve selected the manifest to test, you will first verify that the files listed in the manifest are all present in the SCO. To do this, go to the “Verify” button under “Manifest File Information.” You will see the top green-colored section of the program fill with text listing the files in the manifest. This may take a few seconds. The bottom box, which is pink, displays files in the manifest that aren’t in the SCO. If the manifest is valid, this box will show the word “None.” Leave the program open for the next step. A log is generated automatically, so don’t worry about overwriting the results.
If there are files listed as missing, jump to the troubleshooting section of this Lesson to learn more.
If there are no issues, mark this step off on your checklist, then click the Next button below to move on to the next step.
Screen Text:
Click the Verify button under “Manifest File Information.”
Let the program complete its verification.
Make sure the “Manifest Files Missing” box says there are no files missing from the SCO that are listed in the manifest.
If manifest files are missing go to the Troubleshooting section.
Leave the program open for the next step.
Media: A screencast of this part of the procedure, timed to the audio.
Frame 4-6: Step 3 – Verify Package File Information
Script: After verifying that there are no files missing from the SCO, you need to verify that there are no files in the SCO that are not listed in the manifest. First, click the “Verify” button under “Package File Information.” You will see the green-colored “Package Files Listed” box fill with text listing the files in the package. Like the previous step, this may take a few seconds. The pink “Package Files Missing” box displays files in the package that aren’t in the manifest. If the manifest is valid, this box will show the word “None.” A log for this action is also automatically generated. Leave the program open for the next step.
If there are files listed as missing, jump to the troubleshooting section of this Lesson to learn more.
If there are no issues, mark this step off on your checklist, then click the Next button below to move on to the next step.
Screen Text:
Click the “Verify” button under “Package File Information.”
Let the program complete its verification.
Make sure the “Package Files Missing” box says there are no files in the SCO that are missing from the manifest.
If package files are missing go to the Troubleshooting section.
Leave the program open, mark off your checklist, and move to the next step.
Media: A screencast of this part of the procedure, timed to the audio.
Frame 4-7: Step 4 – Verify Number of Files
Script: The next step is meant to verify that there are no hidden files present in the SCO, because the Resource Validator cannot detect them, but they will cause errors. Left of the green “Package File Information” box, you will see a small box titled “# Files” that displays the number of files in the SCO. Take note in your checklist of how many files are listed. Next, open the packaged SCO (zip file) with the 7-Zip program that you installed earlier. Click the large lower-case “I” button in the top menu to see the properties of the SCO. The third line of the pop-up shows the number of files. Verify that this matches the number of files listed in the Resource Validator. You may close 7-Zip and the Resource Validator now.
If the number of files don’t match, jump to the troubleshooting section of this Lesson to learn more.
If they are the same, mark this step off on your checklist, then click the Next button below to move on to the next step.
Screen Text:
Check the number of files listed in the “# Files” box in the Resource Validator.
Record this number in your checklist.
Open the packaged SCO using 7-Zip.
Click the “I” button and verify the number of files matches.
If the number of files don’t match, go to the Troubleshooting section.
Close 7-Zip and the Resource Validator, mark the step complete in the checklist, and move to the next step.
Media: A screencast of this part of the procedure, timed to the audio.
Frame 4-8: Step 5 – Add Manifest Log Files to SCORM Documentation
Script: The final step is to add the manifest log files that you’ve just created to your SCORM Documentation folder.
First, navigate back to the folder where you initially opened Resource Validator. There should now be a new folder created with a long name consisting of the date and time that the test was run. It will be in this format: Log_Year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds. Inside this folder are four files. Cut these files using the right-click menu or “ctrl+x” and then paste them into the SCORM documentation folder that you’ve created for this SCO. At this point, you should go back and delete the empty log folder. This will reduce clutter for future testing. Last, mark this step as complete on your checklist.
Congratulations, you’ve successfully validated the manifest! Now that you’ve learned how to validate the manifest, it’s time to see some of the things that could go wrong and how to address them. Click the next button to continue.
Screen Text:
Navigate back to the folder where you initially opened Resource Validator.
Open the Log_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS that was created.
Cut and paste the four files from this folder into the SCORM Documentation folder you’ve created for this SCO.
Delete the emptied log folder to reduce folder clutter.
Mark this step complete on your checklist.
Media: A screencast of this part of the procedure, timed to the audio.
Frame 4-9: Check on Learning
Script: Complete the exercise.
Screen Text: Examine each screenshot of the Resource Validator that appears on the screen. Determine whether it shows a conformant or non-conformant manifest, and drag the image into the correct category. When you are finished, click “Submit.”
Media: There will be a series of four to six screenshots, each appearing one at a time. The learner will view the screenshot, and determine whether it shows conformance. The screenshot will snap into the category box it is placed in and shrink. Once it’s placed, a new screenshot will appear. At least one image each should appear of a manifest that has package files missing, has no package files missing, has manifest files missing, and has no manifest files missing.
Feedback: (Correct answer) Correct! You’ve successfully identified the conformant and non-conformant results. Remember, if it doesn’t say “None,” it’s not conformant! Click the Next button to continue.
(Incorrect answer) That’s incorrect. Remember, a conformant package will show no missing files from the package or the manifest. Click the Next button to continue.
Frame 4-10: Check on Learning
Script: Complete the exercise.
Screen Text: Drag and drop the steps of the manifest validation procedure into the correct order.
Media: Five boxes, which can be dragged into the correct order, will appear. They will have the following steps (presented here in the correct order).
· Select the Manifest
· Verify Manifest File Information
· Verify Package File Information
· Verify Number of Files
· Add files to documentation
Feedback: (Correct answer) Correct! You’ve successfully identified the steps to validating the manifest.
(Incorrect answer) That’s incorrect. Remember, you will first select the manifest. Second, click “Verify” under Manifest File Information to verify the files in the manifest are all in the package. Third, click “Verify” under Package File Information to verify the files in the package are all in the manifest. Fourth, you’ll compare the number of files shown with the Package File Information to the number of files in the zip file. Last, you’ll add the testing logs to the SCO’s documentation folder. Click the Next button to continue.
Section 3: Troubleshooting the Resource Validator
Frame 4-11: Manifest Files or Package Files Missing
Script: During Step 2 or 3, you may see files appear in the pink “Manifest Files Missing” or “Package Files Missing” boxes. In either case, you should take the same action. First, enter the Charlie Development Tool and re-download the SCORM package of the lesson you are testing. This will update the SCO’s packaging to the latest version. You will need to unpackage the SCO again, as seen in Lesson 2. Once you’ve done that, repeat Steps 1, 2 and 3 of the validation procedure. If this does not fix the issue, copy the list of files, and report to Programming that there are files in the package that are not being written to the manifest or that there are files listed in the manifest that aren’t in the package.
Click the Next button to continue.
Screen Text:
Redownload SCORM latest SCORM package.
Unpackage SCO (As seen in Lesson 2).
Repeat Step 1, 2, and 3 of Manifest Validation.
If files are still listed in “Manifest Files Missing” or “Package Files Missing” boxes:
Copy the list of files shown.
Report to Programming that there is an issue
Media: A screencast showing an abbreviated version of this procedure.
Frame 4-12: Manually Fix Missing Manifest Files
Script: In the event that Programming is unable to address the “Manifest Files Missing” issue or a new version cannot be downloaded, the following steps can be taken.
First, verify that these files do not need to be added to the SCO. If they are media or reference files, the writer can tell you whether the file should be present. Otherwise, check with a programmer. If these files do not serve a purpose, they can be removed from the manifest.
Next, open the imsmanifest.xml file in the unpackaged SCO, and save a copy in a folder outside the SCO, in case of errors. Then, open the imsmanifest.xml file that is still inside the SCO using a text editor. Locate the listed files under “Resources,” delete those lines, and save the file. Upon repeating Steps 1 and 2, there should no longer be files listed as missing.
If the files do need to be added to the SCO, locate those files and add them to the SCO in the locations specified by the manifest, then repeat Steps 1 and 2.
Click Next to continue.
Screen Text:
Verify the files in question don’t need to be added to the SCO.
If they don’t need to be added:
Save a copy of imsmanifest.xml in another folder.
Open the original imsmanifest.xml file in a text editor.
Locate and delete the listings for missing files in the Resources section.
Save the file.
If they do need to be added:
Locate files needed
Paste into SCO at locations specified by the manifest.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to ensure it no longer shows missing files.
Media: A screencast showing an abbreviated version of this procedure.
Frame 4-13: Manually Fix Missing Package Files
Script: In the event that Programming is unable to address the “Package Files Missing” issue or a new version cannot be downloaded, the following steps can be taken.
First, verify whether the files that are present in the package but not in the manifest are necessary. As before, if they are media or reference files, the writer can tell you whether the file should be present. Otherwise, check with a programmer. If these files do not serve a purpose, they can be removed from the package. Locate and remove them. Repeat Steps 1 through 3. If done correctly, there should no longer be files listed as missing.
Click Next to continue.
Screen Text:
Verify the files in question do not need to be in the SCO.
Locate the files that are present in the SCO but not listed in the manifest.
If they are not needed, delete the files from the SCO.
If they are needed, add lines to the Resources section of the manifest, showing the location and file name.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 to ensure it no longer shows missing files.
Media: A screencast showing an abbreviated version of this procedure.
Frame 4-14: Number of Files Don’t Match
Script: If the number of files in the SCO do not match the listing in the Resource Validator, but no files were listed as missing, that means there are likely hidden files in the SCO. The Resource Validator is unable to detect hidden files that are present. This should not be an issue since the SCOs are typically obtained from the Charlie Development Tool. However, in the event that it does happen, re-download the SCO. If there are still problems, report the issue to Programming by informing them that the validator does not show missing files, but the number of files listed in the Resource Validator does not match the number of files in the SCO.
You may have noticed that the troubleshooting process is simple. Anything that’s not fixed by republishing the SCORM document should be addressed by Programming under most circumstances. Now that you’ve seen what can go wrong and how to address it, let’s take some time to check your understanding. Click the Next button to continue.
Screen Text:
Usually caused by presence of hidden files
Should not be an issue with SCOs directly downloaded from Charlie Development Tool
To troubleshoot:
Re-download the SCO.
Repeat manifest validation process.
If issues continue, report to Programming that the number of files in SCO is inconsistent with Resource Validator results.
Media: A screencast showing an abbreviated version of this procedure.
Section 4: Practical Exercise
Frame 4-15: Practical Exercise
Figure 2 - Practical Exercise Flowchart
Script: In this practical exercise, you will be given a scenario in the form of a series of multiple choice questions. Take your time and try to find the best possible way to address the issue.
Screen Text:
Q1 - A SCO that you are validating lists image and audio files that are present in the manifest, but missing from the SCO. The SCORM testing needs to be completed today so that discs can be mailed to the Contracting Officer Representative for upload. Upon re-downloading the SCO, you find that the issue persists. Due to other commitments, Programming will not be able to address the issue in time. What is your first course of action?
Save a copy of the manifest and begin editing the SCO. [Go to Q1A]
Check with the writer to see if the files are supposed to be in the course. [Display Positive Feedback, then go to Q2]
Find the files and copy them into the SCO. [Go to Q1B]
Positive Feedback: Correct! Going to the writer was the right choice. They will be able to help you identify whether those files need to be in the SCO.
Q1A – You edit the manifest to remove the missing files from its Resources section, then retest the SCO. The manifest is showing conformant, but later you find that some frames no longer have images and audio. What should you have done?
Check with the writer to see if the files are supposed to be in the course. [Display Positive Feedback, then go to Q2]
Find the files and copy them into the SCO. [Display Incorrect Feedback, then go to Q2]
Positive Feedback: Correct! It’s unfortunate that time was lost by not checking with the writer first, but you’re now on the right path.
Incorrect Feedback: That’s incorrect. You should first verify with the writer whether the files are needed before you proceed. It could be that not all of these files are needed in the SCO.
Q1B – You copy the files into the SCO, but later on find some errors in frames where placeholder images are appearing instead of videos that you know should be there. You realize that some of the files you added are interfering with the existing files. What should you have done?
Check with the writer to see if the files are supposed to be in the course. [Display Positive Feedback, then go to Q2]
Save a copy of the manifest and begin editing the SCO. [Display Incorrect Feedback, then go to Q2]
Positive Feedback: Correct! It’s unfortunate that time was lost by not checking with the writer first, but you’re now on the right path.
Incorrect Feedback: That’s incorrect. You should first verify with the writer whether the files are needed before you proceed. It could be that not all of these files are needed in the SCO.
Q2 - The writer studies the list and see that some are necessary media files, while others are old placeholder images that should no longer be in the SCO. She is unsure why, there are old files in the manifest and current files that aren’t in the SCO, but the issue needs to be addressed. What needs to be done?
Remove all the listed files from the manifest. [Display incorrect feedback 1, then enable next button.]
Find all the list files and copy them into the SCO. [Display incorrect feedback 2, then enable next button.]
Remove the unnecessary files from the manifest and add the necessary files to the SCO. [Display positive feedback, then enable next button.]
Positive Feedback: Correct! You’ve fixed the manifest and the SCO! Testing has gone off without any further issues and your team is able to submit the discs to the COR on time. Great job!
Incorrect Feedback 1: That’s incorrect. Removing all the listed missing files from the manifest does not solve the issue that some of the files do need to be in the SCO. Upon further testing, you find that those images are gone entirely from the SCO. You will need to go back and redo these edits by removing the unnecessary files from the manifest and adding the necessary files to the SCO.
Incorrect Feedback 2: That’s incorrect. Adding all the files listed as missing from the SCO may cause older files to interfere with the newer files. You will need to go back and redo these edits by removing the unnecessary files from the manifest and adding the necessary files to the SCO.
Section 5: Summary
Frame 4-16: Review
Script: Let’s recap. To validate the manifest, you will first need to open the Resource Validator and find the correct manifest. Second, verify the manifest file information. Third, verify the package file information. Fourth, verify the number of files in the SCO. Last, move the manifest log files to the SCORM documentation folder. Once you’re finished, mark the manifest validation step complete in your checklist.
Take note that if any files are shown as missing, try re-downloading the SCO. If the issue persists, contact programming.
If this is your first time using this tutorial, have your SCORM testing tutor review your SCORM documentation. If approved, click Next to continue.
Screen Text:
Open the Resource Validator, and find the correct manifest.
Verify the manifest file information.
Verify the package file information.
Verify the number of files in the SCO.
Move the manifest log files to the SCORM documentation folder.
Record completion in the checklist.
NOTE: If any files are shown as missing, try re-downloading the SCO. If the issue persists, contact programming.
Media: A screencast showing an abbreviated version of this procedure.
Frame 4-17: Summary
Script: Congratulations! You’ve successfully validated the manifest. Remember, like any part of this SCORM tutorial, you can revisit this instruction at any time to use as a reference the next time you perform SCORM testing procedures. You’re now ready to close this Lesson and move on to Lesson 5: Metadata Validation.
Screen Text: Congratulations! You’ve successfully validated the manifest. Feel free to revisit this tutorial any time you need it.
Media: Show a graphic showing the organization of the all the Lessons. Highlight Lesson 4, then change the graphic to highlight Lesson 5.
Appendix A – Course Structure and Objectives
Appendix B – Possible Pass/Fail Permutations Flowchart for Screenshot Gathering
Appendix C – SCORM Roll-up Status Flowchart for Screenshot Gathering
Appendix D – Learner Instructions & Checklist
SCORM Testing Tutorial User Instructions & Checklist
Welcome to the SCORM Testing Tutorial. Before you proceed with this training, please read these instructions and go over the “Before You Start” checklist so that you know you are fully prepared.
Shareable Content Object Reference Model, or SCORM, testing is an important part of the delivery process for Company X’s products. This training is meant to provide you with the information you will need to perform SCORM testing at any time during future projects. It does not teach everything there is to know about SCORM, but it will introduce you to its concepts, testing, and basic troubleshooting skills that will help you to address errors.
The training will be delivered as 10 lessons and a posttest. It will guide you through downloading and installing the necessary testing software, using the testing software, testing on the LMS, and putting together documentation. The posttest only needs to be completed the first time you take this training. You will print the score presented at the end of the test and provide it to your SCORM testing supervisor. Once you’ve achieved a passing score, this will be logged into your training record, showing you have been trained in SCORM testing.
Note: You will be allowed to use this training as a refresher at any time in the future if you forget parts of the procedure. Feel free to revisit any parts you might have forgotten.
Before You Start:
Ensure you have done or obtained the following:
Confirm who your SCORM testing supervisor will be.
Confirm what project and lessons require testing.
Confirm which Learning Management System (LMS) the course will be uploaded to.
Download and print a copy of the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Army Conformance Testing – Offline Portion Checklist for each of the lessons you will test.
Download and print one copy of either the ALMS or Blackboard versions of the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Army Conformance Testing – Online Portion Checklist, depending on which LMS the course will be fielded on.
(First time using this instruction only) Print 10 copies of the Lesson Evaluation Survey, one for each lesson, and fill it out at the end of each lesson.
Most important of all: Don’t be afraid to ask questions!